From the Black Forest to the Rocky Mountains, through the Outback and to the Yellow Sea. SICK sensor solutions drive digitalization all around the globe. The SICKnificant podcast sneeks a peak on the people behind the tech. They make SICK the company it is: Future-oriented. Responsible. Partnering.
Hack your IoT solution in the world of industrial automation
When Jules Verne published his novel "From the Earth to the Moon" in 1865 it was just a science fiction story. But roughly 100 years later, humans actually did land on the moon. The impossible had become a reality. This is just one example on how technological development has always been inspired by open minds and creative ideas that at a first glance may have seemed outlandish.
Together with our hack coaches and two hack participants, we talk about innovation and how important it is in today's world as well as how hackathons help to foster innovation in technology.
Find out more on our website and apply for this year's SICK Solution Hackathon on October 15-17, 2024: https://hackathon.sick.com